music clip of the day


Category: rara

Monday, 5/21/12

sounds of Haiti

Rara music, live, Leogane

Saturday, 11/5/11

sounds of Haiti

Rara festival, Kabic (Haiti), Easter, 2005



Rara music is a Lenten processional music with strong ties to the Vodou religious tradition. It has been commonly confused with Haitian Carnival since both celebrations involve large groups of dancing revelers in the streets. Rara is performed between Ash Wednesday (the day after Carnival ends) until Easter Sunday (or Easter Monday in some parts of Haiti.) Rara bands roam the streets performing religious ceremonies as part of their ritual obligations to the “lwa” or spirits of Haitian Voodoo. Guédé, a spirit associated with death and sexuality, is an important spiritual presence in Rara celebrations and often possesses an ougan (male Voodoo priest) or mambo (female Voodoo priest) before the band begins its procession in order to bless the participants and wish them safe travels for their nightly sojourns.


Thursday, 5/19/11

scenes from New Orleans
(an occasional series)

DJA-Rara, live, New Orleans (Jazz Fest), 5/1/11




“It’s a fascinating time for Haitian music,” said Ned Sublette, author of “The World that Made New Orleans.” “Haitians voted for the music ticket [electing kompa singer Michel Martelly president]. You cannot deny the importance of communication through music in Haiti. And this is something New Orleanians know well.”

—Katy Reckdahl, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 4/29/11

Wednesday, 5/11/11

scenes from New Orleans
an occasional series

Some music you listen to. Some you inhabit.

Rara Haiti, live, New Orleans (Jazz Fest), 5/11

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