music clip of the day


Category: Ecuador

Friday, February 3rd

what’s new

Hermanos Gutiérrez (Alejandro Gutiérrez, guitar, lap steel; Estevan Gutiérrez, guitar, percussion), live (““El Bueno Y El Malo,” “Tres Hermanos,” “Thunderbird,” “Pueblo Man”), Washington, D.C., published 1/31/23



random sights

yesterday, Oak Park, Ill.

Monday, March 14th

sounds of Ecuador

Nicola Cruz (DJ), live (3:34-8:24: sound drops), Mexico (Tulum), 2016



random sights

yesterday, Chicago

Monday, August 9th

sounds of all over

Nicola Cruz (1987-, musician/producer/DJ), live, New York (The Lot Radio), 6/9/21



random sights

other day, Oak Park, Ill.

Saturday, December 14th

sounds of Ecuador and all over

Nicola Cruz (DJ), live, Argentina (Iguazú Falls), published 12/12/19




random sights

yesterday, Chicago


reading table

We’d rather have the iceberg than the ship,
although it meant the end of travel.

—Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), from “The Imaginary Iceberg”

Saturday, April 13th

sounds of Ecuador and all over

Nicola Cruz, live (The Lot Radio), New York, 2018




reading table

along the mountain road
somehow it tugs at my heart—
a wild violet

—Matsuo Basho, 1644-1694 (translated from Japanese by Makoto Ueda)